Rumor says the Groundhog didn't see his shadow, so we getting close to the end of winter here in Columbus, though I suspect there are still some cold and snowy days ahead for us yet.
Your AUG leaders are busy putting together some events for the coming year, and as we try to bring you even more exciting events this year, the planning is more exciting and complex too! We will be having a Feb evening presentation, but we're still in planning phase with a speaker to get the dates all settled out, so they can visit several AUGs in the area. We will likely end up later in the month than usually planned though. Also Breakfast meetups will continue to happen on the regular, so we will have that event up for you to sign up for soon too.
While we are busy getting all of our ducks in a row, here are some events happening on the online Community, be sure to check them out!
*New* Monthly Feature Demo and Live Q&A
Badge Hunting? February's is live!
Make your Containers more Secure on Bitbucket.
Showing some Love to Trello Power Ups!
See you all Soon!
Hey Amanda, the event just hit the Calendar, we're meeting on the 27th of February. I have been waiting to finish my edits on the event to mention it here, since I accidentally published before I was ready last night. whoops. Can you say I'm excited much?!
If you're traveling then, hope to see you at our AUG-iversary in March!