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Setting additional Clover source roots

Brian Keyser
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July 21, 2015

We have separated our integration test code (src/integration-test/java) from our unit test code (src/test/java) and I have not been able to find a way to add a source root to enable the Maven clover2 plugin to instrument the test cases.  If possible, could an additional source root be configured so that the clover2 plugin will instrument it as well?  In this case, could the clover2 plugin be configured to instrument the code in the src/test/java and src/integration-test/java directories?


3 answers

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Grzegorz Lewandowski
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 21, 2015

Hello Brian, 

It's possible to configure include integration-test directory into Clover instrumentation and reports. Please follow this configuration steps to achieve such behavior:

  1. Firstly add integtarion-test sources to the project with build-helper-maven-plugin such as:

  2. Configure Clover instrumentation to run in any phase before compilation time, but after build-helper-maven-plugin, i.e:

  3. You should be able to generate reports now with a command:

    mvn clean verify clover2:aggregate clover2:clover -DgenerateHtml=true

    Compilation and tests should run but Clover probably will be reporting integration test classes as application code instead of test code. In that case you could tweak Clover reports to manually specify test code classes: 

    1.  Please follow this instruction, and setup testsources in the following way:

      <fileset id="testFileset" dir="${projectDir}" casesensitive="yes">
          <include name="src/test/**/*.java"/>
          <include name="src/integration-test/**/*.java"/>
      //clover-report node:
      <testsources refId="testFileset"/>

Let me know how it worked for you.


Best regards,

Grzegorz Lewandowski 

0 votes
Grzegorz Lewandowski
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 22, 2015



It's a little bit complicated than only excluding test sources from instrumentation.

Clover instruments test sources to gather per-test coverage. In your case, you want to run separately unit test and integration and generate separate reports from both execution times.

You may want to exclude test (unit and integration tests) sources depending on execution time in order not to include unwanted data in your reports (i.e for integration-tests report will show unit test classes as completely uncovered code).


I'm not sure which maven plugins are you using to run the testing, but assuming this it's the maven-surefire-plugin the following configuration should work:




                            <excludes> <!-- THERE'S NO NEED FOR INSTRUMENTING UNIT TESTS -->
                                <exclude>test/**/*Test.java</exclude> <!-- INTEGRATION TESTS ONLY -->
                            <excludes> <!-- THERE'S NO NEED FOR INTEGRATION TESTS -->
                                <exclude>it/**/*Test.java</exclude> <!-- UNIT TESTS ONLY -->


With given configuration you should be able to generate reports separately with the following commands:

  • for unit tests: 
    mvn clean verify clover2:aggregate clover2:clover -DgenerateHtml=true  -Dmaven.clover.reportDescriptor=clover-report.xml -P unit-test-profile
  • for integration tests:
    mvn clean verify clover2:aggregate clover2:clover -DgenerateHtml=true  -Dmaven.clover.reportDescriptor=clover-report.xml -P integration-test-profile

Assuming you've configured clover report descriptor as described in my previous comment. 

Please, let me know if you'll have any problems with this configuration.



Grzegorz Lewandowski 

0 votes
Brian Keyser
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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July 22, 2015

Hiya Grzegorz,

Thanks!  With your instructions I was able to add the integration tests as a source directory smile .  Related to this question is how to exclude the unit tests.  I have used the following to exclude the unit tests, but they are still being instrumented.


Would you happen to know how the unit tests could be excluded?

I should have provided additional context, but our goal is to understand our coverage of integration tests and unit tests separately.


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