Hello All
I have two questions regarding setting up Artifactory as git lfs server for bitbucket (server)
In this article from the community it say to put this section
url = "https://<USERNAME>:<PASSWORD>@<DOMAIN>.jfrog.io/artifactory/api/lfs/<REPO-NAME>"
in the .lfsconfig
This is not good cause the user name and password are expose.
So I searched and found this article that say not to push the .lfsconfig to bitbucket.
Moreover it say "Alternatively, you can configure the .lfsconfig without credentials and make it part of the Git repository.
Then, upon pushing or pulling, users will be prompted for credentials "
Is it good idea to have lfs-local repo for each of my project/repositories in bitbucket ?
Or just have one lfs-local repo for all of the repositories in bitbucket ?
(cause the content is not human readable. It is sha1)