repository is unrelated

Murali Bhattar December 3, 2012

Hi I am new to bitbucket, i am having issue while pushing my changes to bitbucket. Here is my set up

I have a MainRepository and a nested subrepository. I am not able to push any changes under my subrepository (which is nested)

Here is the following commands

hg init MainRepo

cd MainRepo

hg init nested

echo nested = nested > .hgsub

hg add .hgsub

after the initial push to Bitbucket.. any changes done under nested (subrepository) is not recognised.

Here is the error message "abort: repository is unrelated"

Thanks in advance any help would be appreciated.


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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 18, 2013


Its hard to pinpoint the exact root cause after the fact and with limited information. For example, I would want to drill down on what exact commands you used after the initial push to Bitbucket and any subsequent commands that followed. That would include the output messsages you received along the way.

That all being said, I am leaving you with a previous response that hopefully got you on the right path:

"In general, subrepos aren't used 'live'. You create them separately, then clone them at a specific revision in your Git repo. When you need to make changes to the subrepo, you do it separately, then go back to the main repo and update which revision you are at. Here is a pretty good rundown of how they work:"


Jason | Atlassian

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