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can we resolve conflict in excel files

komal.gupta June 20, 2019

i am trying to push my code but its showing conflict in xlsx file. when i trying to resolve it or rebase it, it doesn't work. so can we resolve the conflict as well for excel files.

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Joao Sgreccia
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 20, 2019

Hi @komal.gupta

XLSX files are binaries which usually cannot be merged using 3-way merge tools. 

To solve this conflict situation use the git checkout command with the options: --ours or --theirs

For example:

1) If you want to keep your version of the file you should:

git checkout --ours <path to your file> 

2) If you want to keep the version from the branch you are cloning you should:

git checkout --theirs <path to your file>  

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