When will zero downtime updating become available?

March 30, 2017

If Bitbucket could just trickle in updated nodes to the pool and phase out old versioned nodes, this would unlock a really powerful property: Bitbucket with no downtime. When will Bitbucket fix this?

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Steffen Opel _Utoolity_
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March 30, 2017

Given JIRA Data Center just gained zero downtime upgrades in release 7.3.x, I'd hope that the likelihood of this also becoming available for Bitbucket Data Center in the not too distant future has increased as well.

That being said, the latest official statement I'm aware of has been that there's some informal discussion about approach, but nothing concrete at this time (July 2016) - please watch and vote for the resp. issue to raise Atlassian's priority for this notable operational improvement:


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