User & Group management - b/w Crowd & Bitbucket

Chetan February 6, 2018


I have Crowd server for user management & Bitbucket for Code management.

I need a little help w.r.t configuration & management. Here is the situation:

  • Bitbucket is integrated with Crowd for user management. 
  • Bitbucket Admin/Developer/User groups created in Crowd specific for Bitbucket.
  • There are users 'user1' & 'user2' created in Crowd & part of Bitbuckt developer group.
  • In bitbucket when directory is synched, both users shows up in bitbucket.

Requirement in Bitbucket:

  • One project & repository created
  • Need two project groups for a repository - PG1 & PG2. So that they are working on different branches on the same repository. (This is something the is simulating my work situation - two separate projects/vendor groups working on same code base & hence needs to be seperated).
  • Now user1 should be assigned to PG1 & user2 to PG2. 

But when i try to do this, i get the error "User user1 could not be added to the PG1 group. Verify they are not from a read-only directory or consult the logs for more information on the error." Which means crowd permission are readonly. 


Does this mean all the groups we need PG2 & PG2 should be created in Crowd and user assignement shoudl only happen in Crowd & not in bitbucket ?


Also appreciate if there are any best practices for user & group management for crowd & bitbucket.





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Ana Retamal
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 7, 2018

Hi Chetan! If you wish to use Crowd groups to control access to your Bitbucket Server projects, you should set up your groups in Crowd. See the documentation on Creating Groups for more information on how to define these groups. You can read more about this at Integrating Crowd with Bitbucket Server.

Let us know if you have any questions!


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