The additions of stages are toothless

Rasmus Milesson September 22, 2023


I just saw the additions of stages to pipelines. "Awesome!" I thought. Except that it's completely toothless. It's basically a step with extra steps.

One particular thing that I just encountered was this error:

"A step within the stage can't contain a condition. The condition must be defined on the stage."

This is quite frankly ridicoulous and completely disables a pretty non-advanced use case like this:

- stage:
deployment: staging
name: "Build and deploy"
- step:
name: "API"
- "api/**"
- [steps]
- step:
name: "Site"
- "site/**"
- [steps]

Why is that limitation even there? It can't be a technical reason since steps can have conditions if I decide to scrap the stages.

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Theodora Boudale
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 26, 2023

Hi Rasmus,

Stages allow you to have steps of the same deployment in a single pipeline (this is not possible without the use of stages) and share deployment variables over these steps. They also have certain limitations at the moment, and one of them is that they can't contain conditional steps:

We have a feature request for what you are asking:

Since you'd be interested in that feature, I would suggest adding your vote to that ticket (by selecting the Vote for this issue link) to express your interest. You are more than welcome to leave any feedback, and you can also add yourself as a watcher (by selecting the Start watching this issue link) if you'd like to get notified via email on updates.

Implementation of features is done as per our policy here and any updates will be posted in the feature request.

Kind regards,

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