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Suggestions on how to migrate to BitBucket from 3rd party GIT hosting service

G_ W_
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June 27, 2024


We are thinking of migrating some GIT repositories that is currently hosted by a 3rd party GIT hosting service to Bitbucket cloud, We are looking for more information on how to do this properly and see if there's any migration tools that would be available to us. 

Also, my understanding is that if a file's size exceeds 100MB, it would trigger GIT LFS in BitBucket. What are the implications of triggering GIT LFS?


Best and thank you in advance for your help!

G. W.

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Robert Wen_ReleaseTEAM_
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June 27, 2024

Hi @G_ W_ ! Welcome to the Atlassian Community!

Have a look at this if all you're doing is just repo data.

Here's more information on Git LFS.

G_ W_
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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June 28, 2024

Thank you Robert!


If I may ask a few follow up questions:

1. How does Bitbucket calculate the file size in the LFS system? Say that there is a 200MB file in the GIT history. If it is modified and committed 3 times, would Bitbucket consider 200 x 3 =600MB used towards the LFS storage? Am I correct to assume that if the 200MB file remains un-changed in future commits, there wouldn't be any increase in file size?

2. How can we add additional storage to the LFS storage? (we are currently on the Academic plan)

Robert Wen_ReleaseTEAM_
Community Leader
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June 28, 2024

1.  Yes, each commit would consume storage as you outlined.

2. Here's the link with instructions on purchasing additional storage.

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