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Smart commits not working for GitHub

Deleted user September 24, 2012

I successfully linked a GitHub commit to an issue.

I then saw that I could enable smart commits on the GitHub repo linked to the project, so I did that.

I then tested, hoping that the issue would transition, using this commit message:


SWIM-1 #resolve #time 2d #comment This is a test


Unfortunately, no dice. Am I doing it wrong? Is this a known limitation with GitHub + JIRA OnDemand?

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Abdulrazaq Mohammed Ali Omar
Rising Star
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September 26, 2012

Hi Jason,

smart commits will only work correctly if your Email in Git is the same Email in your JIRA user. If the Emails don't match then the smart commits won't work.

All the best
Black Duck
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Anuj Kumar
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July 8, 2014

Even when you have both email address same still smart commits are not working. How can i check the log and find out exact reason for this. I am running an ondemand instance.

Black Duck
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May 17, 2021

Did you find your answer. Please help me. I'm facing same problem. My email is same throughout.

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Kevin Perard
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