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See revision history of deleted file

Kosta Kondratenko July 18, 2018


I've recently done a commit which has deleted a file. What I would like to do is view the revision history of the file that was deleted. Is this possible?
When I try to click on the deleted file I am not able to and it doesn't show up in the folder anymore.


3 answers

1 vote
tpip June 22, 2020

As the other answers say, you'll need to find a version where the file was added or edited. Then click to view its history (right-click, choose Log selected, window with info opens but may not be active window - open from taskbar.)

If you have a lot of versions, then it can be a real pain to go through the old versions to find a version where that particular file was changed. 

A trick:

What I did  was to create a new empty file with the same name. Then commit. I now had the file to click on.

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I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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July 2, 2019

Ana's answer is kinda right, but has sequence problems.  

To find the revision history of a file that was already deleted ...

  1. Find a Commit or Pull Request in which the file of interest was either added or changed, not deleted.  (I don't have a solid answer for how to do that.  In my case, my files usually include messages naming Jira tickets under which changes were made, so I can look at the Merges associated with those Jira tickets.)
  2. In the Files Changed list, click the file's hyperlink to navigate to the header of the file's change detail.
  3. In the right side of that header, click the 'View File' button to open the file details page for that file.
  4. On that file details page, click the 'Source' drop down button and select 'History'.
Loud Developer January 15, 2020

There is a problem with your answer: there is no `View File` button on the right side of the header, not even anywhere on the Files Changed page.

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I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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January 17, 2020

You're right, Loud.  I need to refine "Find a Commit or Pull Request that involved the file" to "Find a Commit or Pull Request in which the file of interest was either added or changed, not deleted."

tpip June 22, 2020

If you're having a hard time finding an old version where that particular file was edited, create a new file with the same name and commit it. You then have the file in your history to click on.

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0 votes
Ana Retamal
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 23, 2018

Hi Kosta, to find the revision history if a file that was already deleted, you'll need to use a commit where the file still existed. Go to Source, find a commit where the file exists and in the dropdown select 'History':

Screen Shot 2018-07-23 at 14.01.02.png

Hope that helps!


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