Pull request failed automatic merging (exit code 128)

Helen Christie
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March 1, 2018

Using Stash 3.11.2 installed on Windows with git 1.9.5

STASH_HOME is C:\Atlassian\stash_home

A pull request is reporting "This pull request can't be merged. You will need to resolve conflicts to be able to merge", however when I look at the diff tab, there are no merge conflicts to be resolved.

I've examined the files in the pull request and they are all new files. Some of the files do have long-ish paths - I think the longest is around 189 characters, plus whatever stash adds when it grabs files for merging.

atlassian-stash.log reports the following:

c.a.s.i.s.g.p.DefaultPullRequestAutoMergeStrategy : Pull request 1148@0 failed automatic merging: Non-zero exit code: 128

c.a.s.i.s.g.i.h.GitSmartExitHandler : Read request from [ip] failed. A reg was requested that is no longer vlaid. The ref may hae been updated while the request was being processed. Please try again.

If I make a change to the branch and then update the pull request, the same non-zero exit code message is reported, however the read request message is not repeated.

Restarting the Stash service made no difference.

Any thoughts on what the problem might be, please?


Edited to add: I think I've confirmed that it's most likely a too-long path issue. I created a new branch and pull request and added files one at a time until the pull request reported that it couldn't be merged. Is someone able to tell me where stash keeps the files when it's working on these merges? I'd like to confirm that it is actually the path length and not something about the file itself that's the problem.

1 answer

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William Crossland October 24, 2019

Was this ever resolved?

William Crossland October 24, 2019

Having the same issue.

October 24, 2019

My conclusion is still that it's the length of the path that's the problem. No fix though, other than to move the file.

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