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Problem with accessing or creating deleted workspace

Ewa Żebrowska July 8, 2024


Hi everyone,

I recently encountered an issue and would appreciate some guidance. I deleted my account and since then, I haven't been able to create a workspace with the same name as before. I've created new account with the same address email. Although I can see the workspace but I don't have access to the repositories. 

Is there anyone specific I can reach out to for assistance with this matter? Additionally, is it possible to restore the deleted workspace?

Thanks in advance for your help!


3 answers

2 votes
Patrik S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 9, 2024

Hello @Ewa Żebrowska ,

welcome to the Community!

After a workspace is deleted, the data is fully wiped out from the backend within 30 days. During this period, the workspace ID cannot be reused by other workspaces, as the ID must be unique across the entire platform.

In this case, I would recommend creating a new workspace with a different ID for now and once 30 days have passed since the deletion, you can edit the new workspace's ID to the name you originally wanted.

Please let us know in case you have any questions.

Thank you, @Ewa Żebrowska !

Patrik S

Ewa Żebrowska July 9, 2024

Thanks for explanation. That works for me. I'll wait 30 days. 




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1 vote
Kuğbe July 8, 2024

Hi @Ewa Żebrowska

I'm sorry to hear about the trouble you're experiencing. Here are a few steps you can take to resolve this issue.


The quickest way to get assistance is by reaching out to the Bitbucket support team. Provide them with all relevant details, including the name of the deleted workspace and the email address associated with it.

Support Team Contact:

Restore the deleted Workspace:

  • If the platform offers account recovery options, use them to try to restore your deleted account.
  • Some platforms allow you to recover deleted workspace or repositories within a certain period. Check if this feature is available and if your workspace qualifies for recovery.

There maybe permission issues since you mentioned creating a new account with the same email address...also if are part of an organization, you might need to contact your admin who can grant you access.

I hope this helps.

Ewa Żebrowska July 8, 2024

Thanks for replaying. How can I restore my deleted account or workspace? Will it be possible after creating new account? But the workspace exists but I don't have an access. I'm the admin.

Kuğbe July 8, 2024

Yea, I got you (:

- Will it be possible after creating new account? Honestly not a 100% sure about it. But the bitbucket support team will be the right people to ask.

To restore your deleted account, you will need to contact the Bitbucket support team:

  • Click under technical support "Raise a support ticket" to help you out.

    Screenshot 2024-07-08 at 10.17.11 AM.png

Good luck! (:

Ewa Żebrowska July 8, 2024

Thanks, but I've try everything under the "Raise a support ticket" there is no option for restoring or for sending a message. Even "Technical issues" has no option for creating a ticket or writing a message. There are only two buttons "community" and "documentation" :|


Kuğbe July 9, 2024

If you are seeing this is probably because your Bitbucket plan does not allow you to create ticket. As to those features are not within the free plan. Screenshot 2024-07-09 at 4.28.48 AM.png

If your old account had the same plan as to the current account, the chances of getting the contents from your old account back is probably very low.

- Best course of action might be to create a new account!

Maybe someone from the community with more insight to this might be able to help you out.

Ewa Żebrowska July 9, 2024

Thanks for explanation! 

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Ewa Żebrowska July 8, 2024


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