Not sure which name to use for static hosted pages

Shaun Husain February 15, 2018

The documentation both says to use and as the suffix for a repository name in order to use it similar to github pages.  I initially committed some files to a repository with the wrong 'username' portion of the repository name for doing the static page deploying but now I'm confused as to what action to take.  I tried to rename to but that didn't seem to work so googling I stumbled on this page that seems to indicate it should have been (I tried also renaming the repository to use the .org top level domain).

I'm not seeing the static files I pushed showing up anywhere though still, wondering if there is some delay or if I should see the initial files immediately?

Also wondering if renaming the existing repo should be sufficient for the files to be picked up/served or if I need to delete the repository and remake it with the correct name?

Thanks in advance.

2 answers

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Atlassian Team
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February 15, 2018 is unofficial, and *very* outdated. Your hosted page will be on the .io name; requests made to will be redirected to

It looks like your page is returning a 400 error, though - is it not ready to handle GET requests?

Shaun Husain February 15, 2018

This is the result of running a react build so should just be static assets.

0 votes
Shaun Husain February 15, 2018

Just tried deleting and recreating the repo using the .io top level domain but still not seeing the page showing up yet.  Let me know if I can provide more info.

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