No response was received from the URL you entered

Karthik Kaliki (EXTERNAL) May 15, 2022

I am trying to integrate BitBucket to Jira via application link in butbucket but getting below error

'No response was received from the URL you entered - it may not be valid. Please fix the URL below, if needed, and click Continue'


Can you please help us to fix this issue ?

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Dave Theodore [Coyote Creek Consulting]
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May 16, 2022

Validate that you have connectivity between the two servers. This would be via the same TCP port that browsers connect to. You will need to ensure that Jira can reach Bitbucket and vice versa.  You should also verify that both sides have valid commercial SSL certs (if you're using SSL) and have intermediate certs properly configured (if applicable.) Any of these scenarios will cause the error you are seeing.

Karthik Kaliki (EXTERNAL) May 17, 2022

Hi Dave

I have tried to network test for the same so run wget Jira url in bitbucket server, below response is displaying 

Connecting to Jira url:443 ... failed : connection timed out 

This means any issue with the port or firewalls ?

Dave Theodore [Coyote Creek Consulting]
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May 17, 2022

That's what it looks like.  Could also be network ACLs.  You also need to verify that you have connectivity from Jira to Bitbucket.

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