I am seeking your advice in the following case:
I have a personal bitbucket accout that I have used for many years.
Yesterday, the e-mail address of my bitbucket account was inadvertently changed, and the new e-mail address linked to my account is provided by an organization. As a consequence, now my personal Bitbucket account is organization managed although my account never belonged to any organization. Wft? How can this happen? I did not authorize Bitbucket to transfer my personal, private account to an organization! This violates my privacy and restricts my account access without any authorization to do so. Even more, I am not able to change any settings of my account any more - especially, I am not able to reset my e-mail address to the previous one again.
I also contacted the organization that now manages my account inadvertently, and they told me that they cannot set an e-mail address that does not belong to the domain of the organization, although they would do so if the web interface would allow them to do so. So, only the Atlassian support is able to change my e-mail address to the previous one again.
How do I regain full access to my private Bitbucket account again, set the previous e-mail address again, and get the inadvertent organization management removed?
Thank you for your help!