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Lost Access to Account

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June 27, 2024

I had an account which used an e-mail address to login.


I forgot, or lost, the previous password. I attempted to reset the password.


For whatever reason, the password reset e-mails never reached my inbox.


Out of desperation, I tested whether or not logging in with my Google account would let me in.


It let me in, only to an empty workspace, however straight after, ironically, I received an e-mail from Atlassian.

It said:


One of the confirmed email addresses (REDACTED) associated with [REDACTED] was removed because someone else verified ownership of the address on a different account. If you did not make this change, please email


I have contacted the e-mail address above but I am now panicking and worried that my repositories are lost.

If anyone can help, or at least calm my soul, it would be much appreciated.


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