Laravel: Token is invalid or not supported for this endpoint

Deleted user July 5, 2023

I try to make a pull request from a private repositorie. I have set up a password on personal settings -> apps password and set every permission on. (I uses this for  bitbucketApiToken )

This is the script below i used:

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Http;

$bitbucketApiToken = 'your_bitbucket_api_token';

$pullRequestTitle = 'Your Pull Request Title';

$sourceBranch = 'source_branch_name';

$sourceRepositoryFullName = 'workspace/source_repository_slug';

$destinationBranch = 'destination_branch_name';

$destinationRepositorySlug = 'destination_repository_slug';

$response = Http::withToken($bitbucketApiToken) ->post("$destinationRepositorySlug/pullrequests", [ 'title' => $pullRequestTitle, 'source' => [ 'branch' => [ 'name' => $sourceBranch, ], 'repository' => [ 'full_name' => $sourceRepositoryFullName, ], ], 'destination' => [ 'branch' => [ 'name' => $destinationBranch, ], 'repository' => [ 'full_name' => $destinationRepositorySlug, ], ], ]);

$responseBody = $response->json();


I get the message: Token is invalid or not supported for this endpoint


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Aron Gombas _Midori_
Community Leader
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July 5, 2023

Do you realize that you should assign a value to the variables (starting with '$') in the top of your script?

Their values in your your script are just placeholders.

Deleted user July 5, 2023

$username = $encrypter->decryptString(env('BIT_USERNAME'));
$password = $encrypter->decryptString(env('BIT_PASSWORD')); 
$repo = Str::lower($name);

$bitbucketApiToken = env('BIT_KEY');
$pullRequestTitle = 'Pull';
$sourceBranch = ''.$username.'/'.$repo.'.git';
$sourceRepositoryFullName = $username.'/'.$repo;
$destinationBranch = base_path('Modules');
$destinationRepositorySlug = $repo;

I had already changed it

Aron Gombas _Midori_
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
July 5, 2023

While I cannot know if all these are configured properly, I will assume they are, and the error message also suggests that your code cannot even authenticate.

This is the doc of the corresponding REST API endpoint:

What I noticed is that the "Authorization" header is expected to be like this:

Authorization: Bearer <access_token>

I see that you are calling the "withToken" method and based on the documentation it should be correct.

So as next, if I were you I'd just try that request with Curl. 

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