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JIRA automated triggers not working to transition issue from one state to the next

Gadi Kunutu
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February 7, 2017

I have added a trigger to a transition in my Workflow to transition issue from To do state to In Progress state once commit is done from Bitbucket as per following instructions, I only added just the first trigger to test if all works well however after commit is done nothing happens to auto transition issue to next state. We are using JIRA Server integrated to Bitbucket Server via application links, commits are done using Github

When I try to troubleshoot to see what went wrong with the trigger, I can't really tell where the problem initiates from because Bitbucket connection shows it's working

We are not connected to FishEye/Crubicle

image2017-2-7 14:59:17.png

image2017-2-7 15:1:20.png

Another thing which doesn't make sense is that the communication between JIRA and Bitbucket seems to be working well because you can pick up all development events done from Bitbucket to JIRA

image2017-2-7 14:58:9.png

I'm not sure what could be wrong, if anyone can point me to the right direction to fix this issue. I've tested few issues and nothing works, at first I added branch created and commit created triggers and thought maybe something is wrong with this setup, I then removed the branch created trigger and left the commit created trigger only as per example above but still not working. When we do a commit we are referencing back to JIRA key in the commit message.

I hope someone can assist with this issue. 



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Tarun Sapra
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February 7, 2017

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