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Impossible to login on sourcetree

I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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February 19, 2019

I recently thought of trying Jira, which I requested a demo and linked to my bitbucket account. Previous to this, when I tried to log in to atlassian, it let me know "someone" (pressumably github) was using the same password, so it asked me to change it without letting me in. FIRST THOUGHT: How am I supposed to change it if you don´t let me log in to change it? So I requested a reset password link to do so.

As it asked me to set up the two steps verification, I did it, but soon I realized that was a bad idea: I was aware of the need of changing the password in sourcetree, but my surprise came when any attempt to log in was failed. I tried SSH, HTTPS, SSH keys (which I can't upload to bitbucket because it says "we only accept 2048 byte's keys - exactly the length I was setting) and a OAuth token. All of them failed, so now there's no possible way to push my changes through sourcetree. Tried the same after disabling the two steps verification. Same result.

I also tried to push to the server via terminal (I'm on Win7), but of course it also asks me to log in and fails when I input the CORRECT password...

Now I'm with a useless bitbucket account, a useless jira trial and without possibilities to push my changes.

Is there any possible way to fix this so I can continue working please?

Thank you all.

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Ana Retamal
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 20, 2019

Hi Pablo, welcome to the Community!

There are some things that will need to be clarified to make sure we're on the same page and to ensure we follow the right steps to fix this:

  1. You said that you got a message saying that "someone" (pressumably github) was using the same password. Are you sure that's what the message said? I'm asking because having the same password won't prevent you from using different products, and also, there's no way we could know which password are you using in Github, as that's a different service. Can you try to remember what the message said exactly?
  2. You said you requested a reset password link to change the password, where did you request it and for which product was this?
  3. Which product asked you to set up the 2 step verification?
  4. You then said that any attempt to log in was failed and that you used HTTPS, SSH and Oauth. Where are you trying to log in this time, was it Bitbucket? Are you just trying to log in or are you trying to perform some action in your repositories? Can you confirm if you can access via the browser with your credentials?
  5. Finally, you said there's no possible way to push your changes through Sourcetree or the terminal and it fails when you input the correct password. Can you show us the error message you get? 

All of the above is caused by the same reason, you are not using the right credentials. You'll need to figure out first the password for your Atlassian account, once you know this you'll be able to log in to Jira and Bitbucket. After this, you can enter the right credentials in Sourcetree and then continue using the terminal too if you wish. 

So first thing, try to access with your credentials and let us know the results, were you able to log in?

Then, try to log in to your Jira account, it should use the same credentials as your Bitbucket account. Once this is solved, we'll be able to help you sort out the rest.

Looking forward to your response!


I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
February 20, 2019

Hi Ana, thanks for the welcoming and for the answer.


I'm sorry I wasn't clear enough, I guess it was because of the stress of the moment. I'll try to make it better now.

  1. When I said (and quoted) "someone", I meant "another site", can't remember the exact message, but it definitely referred to some other site, that's why I thought it was github ("presumably github" -> that's added by me, didn't come with the warning), that and because github warned me about the same some time ago. But I could not log in to Atlassian with the old password, I needed to request a new one.
  2. I did it right after a few attemps to log in to Atlassian, and that was the product.
  3. The 2SV was for bitbucket.
  4. Yeah, it was in bitbucket, and yeah, I was trying to push some changes. Now I can access from the browser with a new (fourth I think) password (yep, I requested another link to reset it, and this one is working now).
  5. I'm sorry I can't show the error msg, but if windows keeps the history of the commands and messages I don't know how to recover it. I can say it said something like "authentication failed".

I managed to log back in with another password reset and now it´s all working properly, but thank you very much.


Ana Retamal
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 21, 2019

Hi Pablo, no worries, thanks for all the info :) Sometimes when users contact us they're frustrated because something is not working for them, however without some of the key information there's not much we can do, and it results on us having to ask for this and "losing" more time that is valuable for them. 

After reading your message seems like the problem is solved now. If you need anything else, let us know, we're happy to help!

Have a good day,


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