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I want to replicate newly-created projects to another server automatically, how?

UBT Global Development
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July 3, 2019

All the tools that I have been looking at so far to handle mirroring and replication have to be manually set up for each repository. I want to be able to automatically mirror all new projects and new repositories as they are created, without having to configure a new mirror or hook setup. Is this possible?

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Mikael Sandberg
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July 3, 2019

Unfortunately there is no such option to have it happen automatically, I did find this suggestion, BSERV-9945, to have the ability to setup the replication on the project level in Bitbucket Data Center.

UBT Global Development
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July 3, 2019

This is unfortunate, since Bitbucket Server can be perpetually licensed, but Data Center requires a yearly subscription. I guess we are stuck with manually configuring each repo automatically.

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