How to sync from GitHub to Bitbucket Cloud

Sravan007 February 27, 2018

Imported the Repo from git hub to bitbucket cloud. But I want to sync that GitHub repo to bitbucket cloud until its moved completely. Don't want to loss any new commits from developers.

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Ana Retamal
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 28, 2018

Hi! Syncing directly from Github to Bitbucket Cloud won't be possible. I'm assuming you have this repository stored locally on your computer too, so the best way would be to pull the changes from Github to your local, and then push this to Bitbucket. That way you'll ensure you have the same version on both.

Hope that helps!


Sravan007 February 28, 2018

Thanks Ana !!

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