How to see in which branch a certain commit (jira ticket) exists?

Borris Tauber July 1, 2015


we just recently switched to a feature branch workflow with git. Our infrastructe is based on the atlassian tools jira, bamboo and stash.
All works pretty smooth and all three tools share their status. I can create a branch named like a jira ticket and trace its complete workflow through jira and bamboo until it is released.

But there seems to be one important missing feature: We often have the situation, that a jira ticket has plenty subtasks or some linked tickets. There will be no seperate branch for all the referened tickets, all commits go directly into the parent branch.
This is where we loose traceability of the subtasks, there seems to be no way in jira to see in which branch a referenced ticket has been resolved.

We need to know, which branch contains commits for certain tickets. When I have this information, I can deploy the branch for QS and present a list of all the new features/fixes that have been resolved in this branch.

Do you have similar problems or how would you solve this?

2 answers

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Borris Tauber July 2, 2015

You are right, the JIRA Ticket will only be updated when it is mentioned in a commit message. We do mention all our subtasks in the commit message, but this does not solve the problem.  When we do this, JIRA shows the commit but there is no information that this commit exists only in a branch.

So we still dont have a list of all the commits or resolved issue in a certain branch.

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Deleted user July 2, 2015

As I recall, the JIRA ticket will only be updated with the changes if you mention the JIRA ticket in the commit message. Why not mention the JIRA sub-tasks not the parent JIRA ticket?

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