How to keep runners online for always. When I created runner they automatically gets offline.

Sai Nithin Reddy
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October 31, 2023

How to keep runners online for always. When I created runner they automatically gets offline hence pipeline queued/failed.


Please suggests some ways its urgent.

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Theodora Boudale
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 1, 2023

Hi Sai and welcome to the community!

After you create a runner on Bitbucket website, you need to use the preconfigured command we give in order to start the runner.

1. Are you executing this command in order to start the runner?

2. If you are executing this command can you please locate the runner log as per these instructions and post here the log entries from around the time the runner goes offline (please make sure to sanitize any private data, prior to sharing)?

3. What type of runner are you using? is it a Linux Docker, Linux Shell, MacOS, or Windows runner?

Kind regards,

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