How do I set PATH for just the atlstash user on CentOS 7 for the right Git?

Aris Green October 17, 2014

I want to use a source compiled git, the official 1.8.3 version is old and stale, but you need it for dev tools such as perl-Git and gettext-devel. If I have a newer version in /opt/git/2.1.2 can I just add

 export PATH

In the ~/.bash_profile for the atlstash user? I want to make sure make sure the corrent git is loaded.


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Michael Heemskerk
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 17, 2014

Setting it in the path should be sufficient. You can verify that Stash is picking up that version by looking at the logs. After startup, you should find something like this in your STASH_HOME/log/atlassian-stash.log:

2014-10-17 20:27:46,939 INFO  [spring-startup]  c.a.s.internal.scm.PluginScmService Stash is using /usr/bin/git version 1.9.3

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