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How could bitbucket find commiter's default username and avatar?

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July 4, 2024

I accidentally used my personal email as the git committer for a company project. Subsequently, on my Bitbucket git repository page, my real name was displayed as the committer. I have never linked my real name with this personal email, nor have I used it to register for any Atlassian service. Nonetheless, my real name appeared. Where did Atlassian get my real name from based on my email address? How can I remove it? Does Atlassian truly respect my privacy?

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Theodora Boudale
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 9, 2024

Hi @sdutwsl and welcome to the community!

Bitbucket will check if the email of a commit matches a Bitbucket account with that email as primary or as an email alias. If there is no Bitbucket account with that email either as primary or as an alias, then the name of the commit's author will be displayed. The name of the author is also set in the .gitconfig file on your computer and it is added to a commit (when you create a commit).

However, if you also see an avatar next to the displayed name, this email must be associated with an account (either as a primary email or as an alias).

You can try requesting a password reset email to confirm if there is an account with that personal email as primary:

If there is no account with that email as primary, you will see a message "We can't find an account for that email address." when you try to send a recovery email. You can then reach out to the support team to find out where the email has been added as an alias.

You can create a ticket with the support team via, in "What can we help you with?" select "Technical issues and bugs" and then Bitbucket Cloud as product. When you are asked to provide the workspace URL, please make sure you enter the URL of the workspace that is on a paid billing plan to proceed with ticket creation.

Kind regards,

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