Give access to team members: paid plan does not cover forks?

Mathias Brandewinder
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September 24, 2015

We use Bitbucket with a team of 7 developers, and have a paid plan so that we can have a shared private repository. So far so good. However, when we create forks of the repo, I cannot add the developer group in access management and give them visibility to my fork, because I have 'not enough users on plan'.

This seems to imply that for each person on the group, they would have to also pay to give access to their forks to the group. I could not quite understand from the doc on pricing whether this was the case - can someone confirm?

To be specific, this means that if I have a team of 7 developers, and we want to use the git workflow with private forks, each developer would need to have a plan covering 7 developers, and we cannot use the 'group plan' for that? Or is there a way to do this differently, which I am missing?

Thanks in advance,


2 answers

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 7, 2015

Hi Mathias,

We responded to a similar question earlier in the year - see

You have a couple of options to your specific problem:

  1. Create a branch on the team-owned repo instead of creating a separate fork of the repo. This would be our recommended option.
  2. Create a fork, but uncheck the "Inherit permissions" so you won't be charged for those users on your personal account. Obviously the downside is that everyone that has access to the parent will not automatically receive access to your fork.
  3. Create a fork, but set the owner of that fork to be the team. As you note, you'll have to prepend or append the name with something to differentiate it from the parent repo

We're hoping to make improvements in the way we handle permissions and billing for teams, and we'll definitely keep this use case in mind when discussing those improvements. But for the time being we're not planning to make any immediate changes.


0 votes
September 24, 2015

Did you fork your repository yourself, or one of your members? If your member forked, he/she would have to have a paid plan if granting access to more than 5 persons.

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