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Enabling 2 step authentication impossible, I dont receive any mail so I can't finish the last step

David Jiménez
I'm New Here
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May 29, 2024 edited

First I had my normal email, it didn't work, I changed my email to a new one, neither.

I had to create a new bitbucket with my personal email (the 2-step authentication process worked on this one), but I need my business email.

By the way, this all started because I already had it enabled but I bought a new phone so I had to disable it and re-enable it using the authenticator app on this new phone.

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 29, 2024

Hi David,

I can see you have both MFA enabled on your Atlassian Account and 2FA enabled on your Bitbucket Cloud account, you will need to address this in both accounts to regain access.

We have a guide for this below - you will essentially need to reset your Atlassian Account first, then reset your Bitbucket Cloud account second before attempting to access Bitbucket Cloud:

I've checked the email address you've raised this community post from and there is no blockage from our end, so you will be able to receive those reset emails without issue. You will just need to wait 24 hours to receive the email as a security measure (this cannot be overridden).

Hope this helps.


- Ben (Bitbucket Cloud Support)


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