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Create a pipe for private use?

Brett Mathe May 25, 2019

Is there anyway to create Pipes that can be used from a private repo?  Our repo is "public" but we would need to be able to authenticate to it.  I haven't seen any documentation that shows how to login to a private repository for Pipes.

For example our repo is "" but you need to authenticate to it.


I noticed this line in the Advanced Tips and Secrets for creating your own pipe:

  • You don't have to use Dockerhub, if you have another service to host Docker images, but the image does have to be public.

Does "public" in this scenario mean unauthenticated access or just available via the public internet?

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Philip Hodder
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 11, 2019

Hi Brett,

Can you clarify if you're trying to create a Pipe that is privately available to specific repositories? (i.e. repos that can provide valid authentication to access it)

Or is this Pipe supposed to access a private repository in Bitbucket, which in this case should probably be private too (otherwise other users could use the public Pipe to access your private repo).

Private Pipes are currently not supported. We have an open feature request to add support for this here:

"Public" in this instance mean unauthenticated access.



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