Create a folder structure of projects within projects having repositories

Shailja Maheshwari
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January 12, 2020

I want to create a proper folder structure segregating types of projects. This is urgent. These sub projects contain the repository/repositories. For example:

├── Common/

│   ├── CS/

│   │   ├── Repo 1.1 

│   │   ├── repo1.2

│   │   ├── repo1.3

│   │   ├── upto repo1.7

│   │   

│   └── PY/

│       ├── repo 2.1

│       ├── repo 2.2

│       ├── upto repo 2.5


├── Desktop/

│   ├── repo 3.1 to 3.4


├── Embedded/

│   └── Arduino/

│       ├── 3 repo(s) withing this folder


└── Web/

I know I can create a project and inside it the repositories. But I am not getting an option to create the project(or you can call it folder in terms of file structure) within another project(folder) which is my requirement. 

2 answers

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Emile swain
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August 18, 2020

I'll add to this as i'm in a similar situation, though marginaly different. 

Organisationally i've been given rule over a bit bucket project. Other client teams have similar projects for their respective projects/clients. 

As such the Project level is used so to speak to manage that level of abstraction. 

So I have my project, I now have 70+ repos. Prototypes, pitch work, client work, and so forth. Which guess what, i'd like to organise into into folders (within my project) so i can more easily manage those repos. 

Recently a search tab was added, but its like the worst implementation. It literally searchs for a match from the beginning of the repo name. Means you can't find repos based on a string within the repo name. Basically makes the search bar useless.

Just to be clear.
1. This is not about adding folders into a repo. 
2. This is not about being able to link repos into other repos.

This is about being able to group repos into folders at the Project level so i can more easily find repos i'm working on.

I can appreciate this may be low on the list of priorities of things to do.

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Mikael Sandberg
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January 13, 2020

Bitbucket does not allow you to create sub-projects with a project. Based on your description you are looking for something like Git subtrees. Subtrees allow you to bring in other repositories as a sub repository. We use Git subtrees as a way of sharing common code between projects.

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