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Characterset in Sourcetree

Asbjørn Mikkelsen August 15, 2016

Having trouble with sourcetree-bitbucket-git, and charactersets.
Default in sourcetree is utf-8,  under "repo settings"

if I try to commit a file that is windows-1252 format (latin1, iso-8859-1 etc), which contains norwegian characters (æ, ø, å) then in the view where you select "hunk" to stage:

image2016-8-16 11:9:30.png

those black dots should be å, and I get this error message:

Error encountered
'git apply' failed with code 1: Checking patch xxx/file.sql...
error: while searching for:
xxx uniqueidentifier,
xx uniqueidentifier,
xxx int NULL,
DRGGrupperingAvslutningsm�te varchar(1) NOT NULL,
xxx int NULL,
xxx bit NOT NULL,
xxx bit NOT NULL,

error: patch failed: xxx/file.sql:15
error: xxx/file.sql: patch does not apply

See C:\Users\xxxx\AppData\Local\Atlassian\SourceTree\LastFailedPatch.txt for patch details (D:\xxx)

If I change to one of the other charactersets in the sourcetree config, then it looks ok in the window:

image2016-8-16 11:12:31.png

but I still get an error message, but now it seems like sourcetree is toying around with utf-16?

image2016-8-16 11:13:13.png

(you get two garbled characters where it should be one, typical for utf-16 rubbish)

If I convert the file to utf-8, then I get lots more errors on the other lines with text in the file that have these characters, so that is obviously no-go.

and now it starts to garble other text in sourcetree gui also, in the list of staged files:

image2016-8-16 11:15:31.png

the the tekst there should be NpkKjører, and in the commit log list it also does the same:

image2016-8-16 11:16:41.png

should read: "prøver å fikse.."

What on earth is going on here?

I had no problem uploading the whole repository with sourcetree, now It's impossible to commit code ?

Running the latest version,

Tested with system git, and embedded git, no difference.





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Airton Filho
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February 9, 2017

We are having the same issue with version on Windows 7.

How can we solve that?

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