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Can we trigger bitbucket pipelines manual trigger step from Slack?

Shubhrajeet Behadi
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June 11, 2019

We have multiple steps on bitbucket pipelines and some steps need to be manually triggered after proper validation of the working of the already executed step, currently we need to monitor the pipelines on a regular basis to check when we need to manually approve, it will be a nice feature to get notified once the previous step has executed and then we can trigger the next step directly from slack like an approval button. 

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Philip Hodder
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 13, 2019


We have a feature request, that you can follow, to allow for trigger a manual step from Slack open here:

If you haven't done so already, you can set up Slack notifications to receive notifications on when a pipeline or deployment complete. You can also use a Slack Pipe to send customised messages.



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