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Priya Jain
I'm New Here
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July 3, 2019


I am a new user to bit bucket.

I have two bitbuckets, for one I have read access and for another I have admin rights, So,

what will be the correct procedure to copy a project from read-only bitbucket to bitbucket with admin rights?

Please guide me .

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Charan Mysore Suresh
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 6, 2019

Hi Priya,

AS the name suggests, with the read-only permissions you will only be able to view the repository contents. To transfer the repository between 2 accounts, it is required for you to have ADMIN privileges. Seek to get admin privileges and you should be able to transfer the repositories. 
Else, the harder route would be to gain write access, clone all the repositories locally and then push them to the new account where you are the admin. Which in my books is a bit of a pain.
Here reference this for repository transfer:

Let me know if this helped. :)


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