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Bitbucket pipeline settings gone

Andrew Bailey February 8, 2023

I've transferred a repository from one workspace/project to another. In the old workspace, pipelines were working fine. In the new one, I go to the project's pipelines area, and there's a message saying "Pipelines is currently disabled for this repository. Enable it in the settings to start building again." with a link to go to settings. I click the link, but get a 404 "Resource not found" error. I manually navigate to the repository settings page, and there's not a pipelines section like there used to be. It's just gone! The new workspace is on a new free plan with 0 build minutes used and 50 remaining. I don't see any other settings page that would enable pipelines, and I need to know what steps to take to use pipelines again.

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Andrew Bailey February 8, 2023

The settings have appeared after about 2 hours.

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Ben Steel
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March 16, 2023

I also have the same problem from exactly the same steps.  Repository was transferred two whole days ago and the pipelines section is still missing. 

Ben Steel
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March 16, 2023

I was able to fix the issue by going to the project pipelines setting for a different repository (that did not have this issue) then changing the url.


So if repo good-repo worked fine, and repo problem-repo had the issue I copied the url from the good repo<workspace>/good-repo/admin/addon/admin/pipelines/settings and swapped it to<workspace>/problem-repo/admin/addon/admin/pipelines/settings and suddenly the settings page appeared.

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I'm New Here
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February 23, 2023

I have the same problem, for me it is still not appearing since yesterday...

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