Bitbucket and Eclipse: file not found privatekeyfile

Deleted user October 25, 2012

I setup a project on bitbucket using my desktop and uploaded some files. It's been working just fine.

I then tried to setup a clone on my laptop (MacBook Pro). I got so far as getting the files off of bitbucket to my laptop. I editted some files using my laptop and did a commit on them. When I try to push I get an error saying.

FileNotFoundException: /Users/<username>/.ssh/privatekeyfile (no such file or directory).

I know that privatekeyfile is not there. The rsa key is called id_rsa. I guess I need to tell eclipse to look for id_rsa but how do I do that? Also, why was I able to clone at first?

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 18, 2013


Although troubleshooting Eclipse is not our area of expertise, we can typically sort out any SSH connections and/or repo cloning issues. That being said, the best recommendation would be to review these troubleshooting guides.

Cloning a Repo:

Troubleshooting SSH:

Following the steps in the above links typically addresses most issues - or if anything will identify exactly where the problem lies and usually once you have that, you can generally move forward or at a minimum, explore further options.

Hopefully you already solved it, if not, I hope this info gets you on the right path.

Jason | Atlassian

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