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Archiving a branch

Gaurav Agrawal June 26, 2024



I am looking for an option to archive a particular branch that has been created for POC but temporarily I am not working on it due to some other priority tasks but at some later point when I will have band width, I will be restarting with that branch so that's why I am trying to archive that instead of deleting that branch.

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Atlassian Team
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June 27, 2024

Hi Gaurav,

A branch archival feature was proposed to our development team some years ago, but did not receive enough votes to be considered for implementation and therefore there are no plans to include this functionality at this stage, unfortunately. 

You may leave feedback on the following feature request ticket as feedback is still observed (even on closed tickets) regarding this development decision:


- Ben (Bitbucket Cloud Support)

Gaurav Agrawal June 27, 2024

Hello Ben,

Thanks for answering my query, I have given the feedback in reference to the mentioned card. I am excited to see this feature being rolled out in upcoming updated from bitbucket.

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