Academic team licensing and organization

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September 7, 2015


We are a research lab in a university. A while ago, I joined bitbucket with my university email address and applied for academic licensing for our team by showing our lab's website. The academic team was created afterwards.

I now want to ask these two questions

  • in the lab, we have different groups working in different areas. Is there some way I can create such groups under the main academic team. So that the repositories could be created under any one of such group. Creating all repositories under the same team gets the team cluttered. Or any suggestion to organize stuff. Can I create multiple teams?
  • is the team account tied to my email address or our lab's website? what will happen if my university email address gets blocked or I leave the university?


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Jonathan F Pelaez
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
September 8, 2015

This is a good development of my own Self-Study. I liked your question But, I don't have answer for it. Sorry? Thanks


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