Instructions on how to clone(or download) a Stash repo via GIT GUI to your local machine

tarun mehta
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April 4, 2017

I am new to stash so terminologies like clone, pull, etc are new to me. So while looking for steps on how to download(clone) a stash repo via GIT, I came accross these instructions, so I thought I should share them.

I am assuming that you have GIT installed on you computer and have the stash repo access.

1. Copy the code from stash as shown below. After you click on 'clone' it will show you the code.



2. Now open GIT GUI, click on 'Clone Existing Repository' and paste the code in the next window. As shown below. Then click clone.


3. It will ask you for credentials. After providing them, it will download the repo at the specified location on your local machine.

Thanks for reading.

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January 22, 2020

Thank you for sharing the instructions. It was very helpful to many people however now Stash is no longer in Atlassian product portfolio (was renamed to Bitbucket Server). Closing.

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