I have a web hosting with 1and1 and i have acces to SSH and my plan include a git, i traied to use with sourcetree but i cant to conect with my user of SSH, the terminal says "fatal: pathspec 'remote' did not match any files"
Previusly i used pwd inside the repo directory to know the real path
I already create a directory for a live webpage and repo directory.
Inside the repo directory i run git --bare and created a hook
some one can help my??
I did the git -bare, becouse that its what they said :S
I use the client of sourcetree in windows 10
Now i tray to conect to me hosting adding a new remote, but sourcetree just ask the user name. How or where i can make by SSH ??
Its one of the options what i have in me hosting and its were i can enter to me hosting remotly.
P.D: In that hosting i have more than one site
Does ssh'ing directly to the 1and1 system function correctly?
What worked for me:
log in to your 1&1 server using ssh, then:
disconnect, then type from the client side:
The encryption keys went very smoothly.