Let's get going then! :D
What is swag?
Hey, limited edition schwag is always cool, but the opportunity to learn from others is the best!
I'll swagger down the street for some sweet swag :-)
Seems pretty great, but I cant help but asking myself thusly; fifty out of how many?
Swags 'R Us! Cool deal!
Swagger swag!
this is fun, but it seems pretty buggy, certain page links will briefly go to a loading tab that says 'POST Data' and then redirects.
When I edit a comment it is wrapped in a paragraph tag, only briefly, and then goes back to normal. All while each UI element seems to be warping around and re-sizing. oops.
Hope it gets better, but it's pretty cool now!
Swag; want Swag. . .
I'm a sucker for some great swag, but I hate to break it to you all - it isn't swag, but rather stfmaug (stuff-fifty-top-most-active-users-get). I call lies!
Ultimate swagg!
It may cause a Stackoverfow to use another.
If I get enough swag, I won't need to buy clothes anymore. Hopefully I'll reach that level one day.
Only 50 people will get :(
That's sad
Perfect bitbucket-cloud
SoftWareApplicationsGalore === SWAG
Thanks for the contest guys, and for the bitbucket itself :)