6 new ways you can streamline your workflow and minimize errors: a recap of Bitbucket Server 6.2

We recently shipped Bitbucket Server 6.2 at the beginning of April, which contained a number of improvements to help streamline developers' workflow and minimize errors. We wanted to take a second to highlight a few of these improvements and get your feedback on these new additions.

1). Repository descriptions: Many of you have hundreds of repos per project and we’ve heard that it can be challenging to find the exact repo only using the repo name. Gone are the days where you have to spend time going inside each repo to Readme, which is not always there or trying to use alternative ways like Confluence pages. Short descriptions can now be added to repos to provide additional context - allowing you to quickly and easily find what you are looking for. You can add these when creating a repo, or through the repo settings page.


2). See absolute timestamps: Two days ago? What day was that? You’re in luck - you’ll no longer have to ask yourself these types of question. You can now choose to view all timestamps in absolute format (e.g.: 7 Apr 2019 2:00PM), instead of relative format (e.g.: 2 days ago) for increased precision. Head to your account settings to make the switch.

3). View SVG source code: Today, when users are reviewing and working with SVGs, they can’t see the source code, only the image. And worse yet, if your SVG code is improperly formatted, you might even see a broken link. Users need to be able to view this code so they can review it properly. In this release, users can now see and edit their source code directly in Bitbucket. This can be done in both diff and source view.


4). Delete confirmation check: Mistakes happen. We’ve all accidentally deleted a project or repo at some point in time. To prevent these accidental deletions, we’ve added an additional layer of security or check — users first have to enter their name before they can delete.


5). Customize your support link: We all have issues signing in from time to time. With our new customized support link, we’re helping users get back into the product faster. You can now customize the ‘Contact Support' link in your instance footer to direct them to a custom URL (e.g.: that of your support desk) or to send an email (e.g.: to a system admin), rather than the standard Atlassian support contact us page. Want to learn more? Look for footer.links.contact.support on our config properties page.


6). Support for Git 2.21: We strive to support the latest versions of git as soon as they are released. So in Bitbucket Server 6.2, we’ve added support for having Git 2.21 installed on the server.

We’d love to hear your feedback on these improvements and how your teams will take advantage of these new features and improvements. Share your questions and feedback below in the comments and a member of the Bitbucket Server and Data Center team will be ready to respond!  


Gonchik Tsymzhitov
Community Leader
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July 25, 2019

Thank you I am on my way to updating

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Christer Blomqvist _VCE_ August 12, 2019

The missing "absolute timestamps" thing is perhaps the most long-lived frustration I've had about Bitbucket. I'm so glad you have finally fixed it and I'm also really happy to see that you have added repo descriptions :) I hope that they are indexed so that you can search them too.


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