RSVP: Peter and Rickard Atthem, Rixter: Build Integrations in Minutes!

This is the 53rd of our Monday Night Specials, a series of virtual events with voices from the Atlassian ecosystem.


We are always trying to look a bit beyond the Atlassian product portfolio - kind of Atlassian as a Citizen of Enterprise IT, you might say - so integrations are always interestig for us and we had a look at quite a lot of them in the past. Servicenow (ServiceNow – The smarter way to workflow™) wasn't one of them so far. 

So join us next week on April 19th when Peter and Rickard Atthem from Rixter AB will present their solution to build integrations very fast, including a use case for Servicenow. 

Details are here:

RSVP here:



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