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question about 'conditional task'?
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August 15, 2019

Is there a tutorial to show how to run conditional task, I need to use it for both building and deployment?


And is there a slack community for people using Bitbucket products to discuss?

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Steffen Opel _Utoolity_
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August 16, 2019

As far as I know there is no tutorial for the Conditional tasks for Bamboo app, which at this point is still listed as unsupported under Atlassian Labs. Please watch and vote for the following issue to further increase Atlassian's priority for an official solution regarding this highly voted feature request (which would also imply resp. documentation and/or tutorials):

That said, you can find more details about how this app works in @Daniel Santos' excellent answer to How we can configure job with conditional tasks for bamboo Plug-in?

As for a Bitbucket Slack community, I'm not aware of one, but would recommend to ask this as a separate question in the Bitbucket category here. The category also allows you to start a Bitbucket discussion btw., though obviously in a slightly less interactive fashion than via a Slack channel ;)

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