bamboo upgrade from 6.6.2 to 7.2 version

Ayashakanta Mishra March 3, 2021


  1. Installed bamboo 6.6 version and 7.2 version and postgres(9.6) database.
  2. created fresh database(bambooolddb).
  3. Took the backup for database.

     sudo -u postgres pg_dump bambooolddb | gzip -9 > bamboodb.sql.qz

  1. Uninstalled postgres(9.6) database.
  2. Reinstalled postgres and created fresh database (bamboodb).
  3. Restored data from the backup data to newly created database.

    zcat bamboodb.sql.qz | psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U bamboouser2 bamboodb

  1. Updated bamboo-config.xml with new database name(bamboodb) and username in bamboo 7.2 version home folder.
  2. Restart the bamboo 7.2 application.
  3. While access the bamboo 7.2 in browser facing below issue.

[Bamboo bootstrap failed: Your Bamboo instance could not start because health check failed. Contact Atlassian Support at]

1 answer

1 vote
Marcin Gardias
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 9, 2021

The problem is (probably) that your database is from version 6.6 and your bamboo home folder is from version 7. You need to run Bamboo version 7 using the same bamboo home as you had for Bamboo 6.6, the only change should be the new database connection details.

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