Quiet Period and Maximum Retries

Heather Wells
January 11, 2012

I don't understand how "Maximum Retries" is suppose to work if I have a quiet period configured for a repository. If I have a quiet period of 300 seconds (5 minutes) with Maximum Retries set to 5, Bamboo waits for 25 minutes before starting a build, even if there have been no new changes. It seems like "Maximum Retries" is really "Minimum Retries" since even if the repository is quiet Bamboo will always wait for every retry.

If I set "Maximum Retries" to 0 or 1 then Bamboo doesn't wait for the quiet period at all, but starts a build as soon as a change is detected.

I would expect "Maximum Retries" to mean that Bamboo will keep retrying only if there had been additional checkins, and if after x number of retries it will start a build anyway even if the repository isn't quiet. Is this the intended behavior?

I've also noticed that there seems to be a problem with how Bamboo is calculating the number of changes. When I have "Maximum Retries" set to 5, every time it runs a retry it adds a change to the count. By the time 5 retries have occurred, the Bamboo log indicates 5 changes when there should be 1 change detected.

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Przemek Bruski
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 11, 2012

The quiet period should work pretty much as you expect it to work. The problem is that Bamboo keeps finding a change every time a detection is run. Please contact our support so that we can investigate it.

Heather Wells
January 22, 2012

Two bugs have been filed as a result of my support request:



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