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Powershell doesn't work in bamboo

Some Guy May 9, 2018



I have a powershell script that i tried on a with windows powershell console and it works, but when copied to bamboo it gives me an error: 

You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression.

This is the script i'm trying:


$command = "taskkill /F /IM myExe.exe"
$process = [WMICLASS]"\\\ROOT\CIMV2:win32_process"
$result = $process.Create($command) 


ip and exe name are just examples.


I think the problem may come from  [WMICLASS] ?


any ideas?

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 9, 2018


I suspect these two commands are not getting any value to the variables:

$command = "taskkill /F /IM myExe.exe"
$process = [WMICLASS]"\\\ROOT\CIMV2:win32_process"

Check what user is used to run the Bamboo or the Bamboo service and try to use that same user to execute these commands in PowerShell.

You could also try to echo the value of the variable before using it with the create method.



Some Guy May 14, 2018

Ok it worked, i tested once with the admin user and it didn't work event after restarting the service. After a while gave it another try and it worked... I have no idea why it works now tho

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