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Is there anyway to log script changes in Bamboo jobs? or log any other job changes?

Chitrarth Sahai May 14, 2020

I know that audit logs can track plan changes and plan configuration changes and overall bamboo configuration changes, but is there anyway to log the script file changes or commandline changes in the bamboo jobs??

This is very crucial in resolving on the fly issues and be more compliant internally.

e.g. changes in this tab's script is not logged. anyway to log this as well??

script task.PNG

1 answer

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Jeyanthan I
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 15, 2020 edited

Hi @Chitrarth Sahai ,

There is no straight forward option to make Bamboo to email you for changes happened in a script task.

I can think of 2 possible ways:

Option 1: The content of the script is stored in BUILD_DEFINITION table under XML_DEFINITION_DATA column. You may write a script to monitor for changes happening in this table for this plan.

Option 2:  Use Repository Stored Specs for managing your plan. This way, you can monitor for any changes happened in this RSS repository that includes changes to your script task as well.

Hope that helps.


Jimmy Seddon
Community Leader
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May 15, 2020

Hey @Chitrarth Sahai,

As an addition to the great option @Jeyanthan I provided I got in the habit of not using inline scripts but adding anything that would be an inline script to the repository that will be checked out as a part of the build process and calling that local script using the file location option in the script task.

Which this will cause a build to happen when you check in changes to that script, it's probably something that should happen anyway since you are changing a part of the build process.

I hope that helps!


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