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Handling git-Flow hotfix-branch in Bamboo

Christian Busch March 14, 2016

Hello everyone,

At our company we use Jira, Bitbucket and Bamboo to make our daily work a lot easier. Our repository is organized in the git-flow schema:

develop-branch = Application code for testing (aka Release Candidate)
master-branch = Application code running live
feature-branches = new components based on actual dev-Branch merged back after finish
hotfix-branches = new hotfixes based on master-branch merged into develop and master after finish

Our versioning system works like the following:

Untitled Diagram.png

Now I'm trying to integrate our structure into Bamboo. I created a plan triggered by changes into the dev-branch containing two stages:

1: Develop - Build develop -> deploy after finish
2: (manual) Production - Build master -> deploy after finish

That works fine with feature Branches. How do I handle hotfix branches? Do I need an additional plan or is it possible to create a single plan to cover the whole process?




2 answers

0 votes
Divin Honnappa December 13, 2016

I have automated and implemented a similar structure along with release branches.

It would be helpful if you can provide the type of application you are building (maven, angular/node) and also some more details on how you are building the feature branches.

From what I see, if you're using JIRA to create hotfix and pull requests to manually merge hotfix to master and develop after testing is complete, you don't really need additional plan.

0 votes
dmasur October 25, 2016


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