Can't authenticate with Bitbucket Server despite successful public key storage

Piyush_Wadhwani March 22, 2016

I am facing issue setting up integration between Bamboo and Bitbucket

I am able to access Bitbucket repository using ssh through local git client using public/private keys

i have linked two application using outh

bit bucket and bamboo both are running on same server but different port



SSH enabled

SSH Port : 7999

SSH base URL ssh://localhost:7999


Bitbucket has public key set




Shared Credential SSH which is added in BitBucket

Bitbucket is linked

When i am adding linked repository

i am getting following error




2016-03-22 14:25:28,407 INFO [http-nio-7085-exec-8] [AccessLogFilter] piyush POST http://localhost:7085/admin/createGlobalRepository.action 107089kb
2016-03-22 14:25:31,529 INFO [http-nio-7085-exec-8] [StashRepository] Public key was added to Bitbucket Server (Bamboo user: piyush, application: Bitbucket [http://localhost:7990], location: repository BRM/brm): ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCbZra9jfb0hZnxFjiu0Ysdx+lTI/pV51wP3l5a9a1bPxO7txSBV2A6VFTqjnXHPvqNdPeiUhRwz2B2kunmrA4qrNtFdlX1wvAta9UxgEE3hd0Di6ZqGnJST2y/KY7k4Xvnpstp6yOdWf362x7RLzeVPo1/yiliQr0BlO46O18IfiAhKPy8YEPPG725JPgkDw2tK+AsAoKBLTrWd3OnCTMiq7rcpU1EqD3Pu7o2HqQTwoqhUG3M/t86r/neMnTtm/HYAWRu23pKG5peNotCVZBThHTl0UCsu9hSlyiXWViACefzm8FvaXYRZSE9wKuX1vW2zhkKVphJJmwHh85LeQ2N http://localhost:7085
2016-03-22 14:25:32,093 INFO [http-nio-7085-exec-8] [StashRepository] Can't authenticate with Bitbucket Server despite successful public key storage: ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCbZra9jfb0hZnxFjiu0Ysdx+lTI/pV51wP3l5a9a1bPxO7txSBV2A6VFTqjnXHPvqNdPeiUhRwz2B2kunmrA4qrNtFdlX1wvAta9UxgEE3hd0Di6ZqGnJST2y/KY7k4Xvnpstp6yOdWf362x7RLzeVPo1/yiliQr0BlO46O18IfiAhKPy8YEPPG725JPgkDw2tK+AsAoKBLTrWd3OnCTMiq7rcpU1EqD3Pu7o2HqQTwoqhUG3M/t86r/neMnTtm/HYAWRu23pKG5peNotCVZBThHTl0UCsu9hSlyiXWViACefzm8FvaXYRZSE9wKuX1vW2zhkKVphJJmwHh85LeQ2N http://localhost:7085

i can see access key being added in Bitbucket repository


9 answers

Christian Schlaefcke
April 24, 2020

In my case it was a missing openssh-client on a CentOs 8.1 based Docker image by the way ;-)

Here you can find how to install if you run into the same issue:

0 votes
Anil Unnikrishnan March 13, 2020

Facing the same issue.

0 votes
Jurgen Schober
January 25, 2019

2019...and I am having this issue. Did anyone resolve this?

0 votes
Paweł Pawlak
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
October 25, 2018

The issue is still on Bamboo 6.7 :/

0 votes
Jared Lesser November 17, 2016

Anyone else able to resolve this issue? I am experiencing the same thing... 

0 votes
October 5, 2016

I'm having the same issue.  I have JIRA Bamboo and Bitbucket all linked

0 votes
Piyush_Wadhwani June 10, 2016

if you have integrated JIRA , Bitbucket and Bamboo then make sure JIRA is also up


0 votes
Piyush_Wadhwani June 9, 2016

i never got answer to this problem. i believe this issue was resolved by making sure JIRA is up and running while you are doing this step. during user creation i used the option to use JIRA as user management

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Gail Stewart June 9, 2016

Did you ever get an answer to this question?  I have the same problem.

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