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Bamboo Spec execution is treated as green build

ananda3 October 6, 2022

Can we configure something where "Testless Build" related to Bamboo Spec execution is ignored as Green Build.

This is messing up with our Merge Checks.

Problem: With PR build run being failed, Bamboo Spec Changes are treated as Green build and that is allowing devs to merge their PR.

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Eduardo Alvarenga
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 6, 2022

Hello @ananda3

Welcome to Atlassian Community!

You can add an exclude pattern to the Linked Repository under Change detection options -> "Exclude all changes that matches" such as:


That way, any changes made to the bamboo-specs folder will be ignored by Bamboo and will not produce a build.

But, if you have legitimate changes to the Specs folder, you will have to override the approval and merger process on your VCS as they will not trigger a build.

You will also have to run a manual Specs scan on the repository either via the UI:

  • Bamboo Administration -> Linked Repository -> <Repository> -> Specs Status -> Scan

Or via the API:

Kind regards,

Eduardo Alvarenga
Atlassian Support APAC

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ananda3 October 6, 2022

@Eduardo Alvarenga 

Thanks for sharing workaround. There is a follow-up question, so once scan button is clicked from LinkedRepo, wouldn't that create the testless build?

Eduardo Alvarenga
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 7, 2022

Hello @ananda3,

By having a Linked Repository that would exclude the "bamboo-specs" folder and running a Specs scan manually, Bamboo will only run a "Testless build" in case the specs code has changed from the previous version on that particular branch and if that's divergent from the default branch. That run is only to apply the new Specs code and will not actually Run the build Plan.


Eduardo Alvarenga
Atlassian Support APAC

--please don't forget to Accept the answer if the reply is helpful-- 

ananda3 October 7, 2022

Hello @Eduardo Alvarenga 

Appreciate your help!!

The overall problem with this Testless Build run is that it is interfering with the merge checks. As an example the merge check is enabled where we are ensuring that master has 1 green build, so when spec changes are getting executed as Testless Build, it overrides the existing RED build and bamboo server ignores that RED and considers spec changes related build as green and allows folks to merge.

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